Бутт сычев химическая технология вяжущих материалов - Бутт Ю.М., Сычев М.М., Тимашев В.В. Химическая

Файлы Обратная связь Для правообладателей. Технология вяжущих материалов Файлы Академическая и специальная литература Химия и химическая промышленность Химическая технология Технология силикатных и тугоплавких неметаллических материалов Технология вяжущих материалов. Похожие разделы.

Improvement of Technology of Gypsum Production Raw Materials and Products in Production

Течение процессов формирования контактной зоны в бетонах [Электронный ресурс]. Габуда С. Связанная вода. Дворкин Л. Полак А.

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In the this publication, readers will find the results of the analytical and experimental research into the physical and chemical processes in the consecutive formation of coagulation, condensation, and crystallization structures at the major technological stages of the present-day production of Portland cements. We have determined the groups of the dispersed systems at the stages of preparation of the source material and of making of the raw stuff mixture for wet, combined, and dry methods of production as well as for the grinding of clinker with additives and for making of cements based on the availability and quantitative ratio of the dispersed phase and of the wet and gaseous dispersed environment. We have shown the structural, mechanical, and rheological properties of the coagulation structure of cement slurries with typical composition based on limestone and polymineral clay. Readers will also find the particularities of the phase changes in the major rock-forming minerals of the raw stuff mixture in the process of the crystallization structure formation depending on the degree of the thermal treatment while baking at the maximum temperatures of

Скачать книгу: Химическая технология вяжущих материалов. Бутт Ю.М. и др. 1980

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